Unveiling Our New Identity in Christ

God Has A Voice

Heather’s liberation came when she discovered the Scriptural truth that our spirit is who we really are. When our spirit is renewed by the new birth, it becomes righteous, not because of our performance, but because the Spirit of Jesus dwells within. Any sinful thoughts, attitudes, or actions that we have from this time on are coming from our souls and bodies, which have still to undergo progressive change into alignment with the Spirit of Jesus within us. The Father’s heart towards His children is one of love, love that is consistent even when we are not. This is a practical series, written for those who seek to know who God is, who they are in Him, and who, through the ministry of God’s presence in their lives, are empowered to find a way out from wrong thinking and self-condemnation. Filled with Scriptural understanding and Bible references, The Ministry of the Father’s Heart reveals how God guided Heather into experiencing the deep love of her Heavenly Father, a journey that you too can enjoy. This first book, A Journey of Discovery, explores the foundations of faith in God.

Growing in Faith in God
Sharing it the World Around Us

Psalm 34:8
Meet Heather Thompson

Heather was born in Scotland, the daughter of a Church of Scotland minister. She gained an honours degree from the University of Edinburgh and taught mathematics in Further Education. In 1979 she came to Northern Ireland, the homeland of her mother, and completed a Master’s degree in Computing Science at Queens University, Belfast, while tutoring there on the PGCE course. In 1988, she answered the call of God to full-time ministry and completed a Theology Diploma in Union College, Belfast. She served as a member of the Pastoral Team in West Presbyterian Church, Bangor, for twenty-three years until 2011, when she retired. During that time she led various groups, including Prayer Ministry and Life in the Spirit Seminars, visited homes pastorally, and completed accreditation with the Association of Christian Counsellors. Along with those on her counselling/ministry team, she ministered restoration and healing under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to many who were broken-hearted or had been fragmented because of trauma.
She has a daughter, Susan, a son Niall and a daughter-in-law Mags, and three grandchildren, Benjamin, Sophie and Charlotte.
What People Say About Heather

``Over the years I have been at the receiving end of Heather’s ministry in such powerful ways – the word in season, the timely phone call and the listening ear.``
Senior Minister, West Presbyterian Church, Bangor, Northern Ireland.
``As a minister I was keen that Heather would present courses on these topics in our congregation. This she did with much fruit, by God's grace. Her pastoral sensitivity, gracious attitude, love for her Lord, openness to God's Spirit and her fellow Christians, shone through.``
Professor at St. Petersburg Christian University, BA (Hons – Semitic languages); BA (Hons Psychology); BTh, MTh (Old Testament) and PhD (Systematic Theology).
``This ministry is an incredible blessing to many as they benefit from Heather’s insights and wisdom, gained over years of gentle, sensitive ministry in the power of God’s Holy Spirit.``
Shore Street Presbyterian Church, Donaghadee, Northern Ireland.
``The ministry was gentle, compassionate and loving, with complete reliance on the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone can set the captives free. Many were brought to a new day of freedom, hope and joy.``
Minister Emeritus,
Donacloney Presbyterian Church, Northern Ireland.
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